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How Long Do Tesla Batteries Last?

Power - by Joe Weber - updated on 1/2/2024

A person holding an electric car charger.

You just got yourself a shiny new Tesla. Whether it's a Model 3, S, X, Y or Roadster, they are all amazing machines. They are truly a modern marvel boasting the latest in science, technology and engineering. You will never have to pump gas again!

How Long Will the Battery Last?

Tesla knows they have a great product and stands behind their batteries. They provide an extensive battery warranty   for 8 years or, depending on the model, 100,000 to 150,000 miles, whichever comes first. That being said, Tesla batteries should last much longer than that.

Not only are the lithium batteries in your Tesla completely maintenance-free they should also last you somewhere between 300,000 and 500,000 miles, or roughly 1,500 full charging cycles. That's between 22 and 37 years of life based on the Department of Transportation (DOT)   average of 13,476 miles driven per year for the American driver.

How Do Tesla Batteries Degrade Over Time?

All batteries will lose some of their ability to hold a charge over time. There's no exception for Tesla batteries.

A good comparison is to look at your smartphone. They both use similar technology, granted on a much smaller scale in your phone, and you can get a good sense of what we mean when you consider how your phone holds a charge when it's brand new versus when it's a year or two old.

Charge after charge, trip after trip, your Tesla battery will start to lose a small amount of miles between charges. This is a completely normal part of aging batteries. However, should you feel that you are losing more than you should, contact your nearest Tesla service center to have it looked at.

Tips to Prolong Your Tesla's Battery Life

There are a few ways to keep your Tesla batteries fresh and healthy while extending their usable life in the process.

  1. Use a low-voltage charger like the Tesla Wall Connector   for your everyday charging.
  2. Limit how often you drive your battery down to 0 miles. Frequently allowing your batteries to completely deplete will shorten their lifespan.
  3. Limit the use of fast-charging Tesla Superchargers unless absolutely necessary. Using fast chargers frequently can decrease your battery's lifespan.

Don't Forget About Your Auxiliary Battery

Even the technologically advanced Tesla uses a common lead-acid battery that is used to power all of the electronics in the vehicle just like a traditional gas or diesel vehicle.

This battery is tasked with providing power for things like air conditioning, lights, the radio and so many more features that still use a 12-volt system. It's important to have a high-quality lead-acid battery in your Tesla so your electronics work as expected.

Stop into your local Batteries Plus store today to have our battery experts test your lead-acid battery to make sure it's happy and healthy. If you do need a new one, let us help you find the best replacement battery for you.

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