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How Can Batteries Plus Help Power My Home?

Power - by Joe Weber - updated on 3/1/2023

woman in a gold top holding a cell phone, looking at computer screens

Your home is your safe space, your shelter for emergencies and your quarantine zone when your family is sick. Your home contains countless items that require batteries to operate properly, and that you don't want to live without. What happens when you lose power? You want to be able to still live comfortably in your home even when your neighbors have no power. Learn more about all the ways Batteries Plus can help power your home every day and during emergencies.

What Are Some Items in My Home That Take Batteries?

  • Remotes
  • Smoke Detectors
    Even though most homes come with smoke detectors wired into the electrical system of the house, smoke detectors also require the use of a 9V battery to function.
  • Game Controllers
  • Clocks
  • Cordless Phones
    In this day-in-age cordless phones are few and far between. Most people use their cellphones as their home phone. For those that still use cordless phones in their home, having access to the right cordless phone batteries can make all the difference in your talk time with loved ones.
  • Cameras

Items You May Not Know Use Batteries

Sadly, these are all things that I myself learned about early on when I got my first home. While some of these can have wiring inside the home, batteries are sometimes needed to work properly, or at all.

  • Door Bells
    Yes, some homes have doorbell systems wired directly into the electrical system of the house. However, as some of us learn, some homes have completely wireless doorbell chimes and exterior buttons with batteries in both pieces. The doorbell chimes often use C or D batteries but can be any size alkaline battery and the chimes are usually small coin cells or small A23 batteries.
  • Security Systems
    Many home security systems are hard-wired into the home for power but they do also have a backup sealed lead acid battery in the event the home loses power.
  • Garage Door Openers
    Everyone knows that garage door opener remotes need batteries, but did you know that the opener itself has a battery? Depending on the model of opener, there is usually a small coin battery to help with remembering the remotes that are programmed. This way you don't need to reprogram your remotes every time you lose power.
  • Thermostats
    Thermostats are wired into the house but not always for power. Many thermostat take AA or AAA batteries for power and if these die, you could be left with no heat or air conditioning.

How Do I Prepare for Power Outages?

One of the best things you can do for your home and family is to purchase a generator or Goal Zero power station for emergencies. Generators are a great way to ensure that all of your essential needs are met during extended periods of power loss.

Generators come in several sizes and provide your home with power to run necessary home equipment when you are without power. Some even come with wireless starting so you don't have to manually turn the generator on! Batteries Plus carries a large selection of Champion generators to fit any home's power demands.

Pro Tip

In many states where power outages are common, new homes are being built with generators in mind, either with them already wired in or at the very least wired to accept a generator. If your home isn't wired to accept a generator, contact your local utility company to have a technician come out and install the necessary equipment to have a generator switch on automatically when the power goes out.

If you are a little less concerned about the major systems in your home and are more worried about keeping your electronics powered during and outage the Goal Zero renewable energy power stations are a fantastic choice to keep your gear running. Goal Zero power stations come in a multitude of sizes to provide enough power for all of your needs. You can even work with an electrician to install the Home Integration Kit so you can quickly switch over to your Goal Zero Power supply when the power goes out.

What Types of Batteries Should I Stock Up On?

When the TV remote dies or a smoke detector starts beeping that annoying beep, having a stockpile of batteries is an absolute necessity.

Batteries that every home should have on hand:

  • AA - The Batteries Plus AA batteries are perfect for any household device. Strong, long-lasting batteries at a great price, sold exclusively at Batteries Plus.
  • AAA - Strong, long-lasting batteries at a great price, the Batteries Plus AAA batteries are perfect for any household device. Available exclusively at Batteries Plus.
  • 9V - Having 9V batteries around is a must for smoke detectors and some small appliances.

Where Should I Go to Get All of My Batteries?

Whatever battery needs you have for your home, we can help at your local Batteries Plus. We carry an impressive selection of batteries for all of your household needs from alkaline batteries, sealed lead batteries for your security system to generators and power stations for backup power. Stop by, give us a call or shop online today.

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