Batteries Plus Commercial Accounts Store #204

We are open but local store hours may vary based on current staffing availability. Please call the store and press 2 to speak with a sales associate to confirm today's store hours.

Batteries Plus Commercial Accounts Store #204

1021 Yellowstone Avenue
Pocatello, ID 83201

P: (208) 232-2665 F: (208) 269-7254 Directions
We are open but local store hours may vary based on current staffing availability. Please call the store and press 2 to speak with a sales associate to confirm today's store hours.

Pocatello, ID Batteries Plus Commercial Accounts

Do you own or operate a business? Consider signing up for a free business account. You’ll receive access to thousands of commercial power and lighting solutions for nearly any application. We also offer tablet and cell phone repair service for company devices, as well as battery replacement for laptops. Sign up today to receive competitive volume pricing, fast, local delivery, access to our recycling program and other great perks.

A dedicated sales representative will also be available to help guide you through your purchasing options and answer your questions along the way. We offer virtual and in-person site walks designed to help you save money by highlighting ways you can use power and lighting more efficiently. This includes suggestions for upgrading to energy-efficient commercial and industrial lighting. Plus, our experts can advise you on industry-specific issues and assist with local utility rebates.

Whether you’re a local business, or a veteran company with hundreds of locations nationwide, you’ll find solutions for all of your lighting, power and repair needs at Batteries Plus. Want to see how much you can save?

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